Give it a try sometime…it is fun and delicious.
WITR Flatbread
So what is WITR Flatbread? A few nights ago it was cold and snowy. We decided we wanted to make something different for dinner but didn’t want to run out to the store. We opened the refrigerator and took a look around. We found a packet of Pizza dough yeast, some lonza, spinach, artichokes and a few slices of American cheese. I put my new pizza stone in the oven and heated it to 475 while I mixed the dough. Threw the dough on the stone and baked it for about 6 or 7 minutes. Cut up the WITR ingredients and tossed them on the shell along with a drizzle of olive oil…that goes with everything. About 10 minutes later we had some fantastic flatbread made with Whatever’s In The Refrigerator.